Foster Farms

Brand Categories

Select a category from the list below to see a list of products available.


Image ID Product Name
Enchilada Cheese CN 38113 Enchilada Cheese CN
90/1.63oz 2202 Fernando's Cheese Enchilada CN Heat and serve with a sauce. Perfect for lunch or dinnertime menuing.
Enchilada Chicken CN 40337 Enchilada Chicken CN
90/1.75oz 13151 Fernando's Chicken Enchilada CN - Just Heat & Serve with your favorite enchilada sauce.
Enchilada Chicken W/G 11957 Enchilada Chicken W/G
112/2.5oz 5278 Fernando's Whole Grain Chicken Enchilada - Fully cooked ckn breast, sce, & Mont Jack Chs wrapped in a whole grain tortilla.
Enchilada Cheese W/G 11958 Enchilada Cheese W/G
112/2.35oz 5280 Fernando's Whole Grain Cheese Enchilada. American Chs & Enchilada sauce wrapped in a whole grain tortilla. Heat & Serve.
Enchilada Beef W/G 38112 Enchilada Beef W/G
112/2.5oz Fernando's Beef Whole Grain Enchilada. Fully cooked ground beef & enchilada sce wrapped in a whole grain tortilla.
Enchilada Beef CN 11783 Enchilada Beef CN
90/1.75oz 93101 Fernando's Beef Enchiladas Fully cooked. Heat & Serve with your favorite sauce.

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