General Mills

Brand Categories

Select a category from the list below to see a list of products available.

Dry Cereals

Image ID Product Name
Cereal Assorted Pack 77603 Cereal Assorted Pack
Cereal assorted pack 70/1oz bowl pack 14-Cherrios 14-Hny Nut cherrios 14-Total W/G 7-Wheaties 7-Cinn Tst 7-Raisin Bran 7-Lucky Charms
Cereal Rice Crunchins 13745 Cereal Rice Crunchins
11997 96/.75oz Cereal Rice Crunchins Single serve bowlpak. A toasted, whole grain rice cereal.
Cereal Lucky Charms 78633 Cereal Lucky Charms
31917 96/1oz Lucky Charms Cereal A frosted and toasted whole grain oat-based, gluten-free cereal.
Cereal Granola 12764 Cereal Granola
37854 4/50oz Nature Valley Granola Crunchy Oats 'N Honey. A delicious blend of whole grain oats and honey.

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